Author Archives: admin

Teen-A-Noise! High Pitch Hearing Test

Ever want to randomly annoy your kids? Or someone else’s? You can’t hear the sound this app makes if you are over 30. It’s an age thing. Something about the hairs in your ear canal I think. Sorry. Anyway, the youngsters can hear it quite well and they tell me it sounds like there are… Read More »

The Human Genome Just Got Twice as Complicated

I’m no genome scientist, but to me it makes perfect sense that a programming language as complex as DNA would have undertones that can more effectively refine each aspect of any entity it defines over time. “Scientists have discovered a second code hiding within DNA. This second code contains information that changes how scientists read… Read More »

What’s that, a spider mustache?

How may thousand do you count? I have the creepy crawlies now. Thanks for that. BTW, the literal translation from Portugese is ‘super pubic hair’. Imagine. Brrr. I actually wouldn’t mind a thousand of those walking all over me – if I knew they were on the way first.  

Levitation by Sound?

Remember that physics lab when you had to make standing waves with a Slinky and a jump rope in the school hallway? Change the slinky to a 3-D sound wave and you can pretty much visualize what’s happening here. The wave effectively becomes a surface which can support weight – and be moved. Imagine touch… Read More »

T-Rex Display Follows You!

This is a classic example of creepy following eyes… Here’s the template in Green, Red and Blue. I feel a need for a Rottweiler version. (Can only be viewed with one eye or through a camera.) I made this one! Well, I cut it out and applied some crafty folding and taping technique…

This Video Will Hurt!

I just watched this with my kid. After 10 seconds he starts holding his head. After another 5 my temples start throbbing.  Quite the experience! Press PLAY. I dare you. Ouch. And on that note, I believe! The brain is a strange, highly complex place.

Are Common Household Appliances Spying on You?

Two network / information security concerns showed up on my radar this week. They aren’t from normally anticipated places, so I thought I’d share. The first one originated in Chinese manufacturing plants. Apparently, some Russian inspectors found rogue WiFi hardware inside of random goods where they should’t find them. Concerned? Do you have a new… Read More »